How to Make Content Creation Work for Your Brand

Blog > Social Media > How to Make Content Creation Work for Your Brand

Content creation, predominantly social media content creation, can be a powerful tool in the modern age of advertising we are in today. It is all about creating content for your brand that is useful, valuable and relevant to your customers in their day-to-day lives. It varies from traditional marketing as it has in-depth strategy that not only attracts the attention of your brands target audience, but has the ability to retain their interest so that they will enjoy and even look forward to your marketing. Content creation can come in the form of social media, blogs, newsletters, publications, and many others.

Below are the main factors you’ll need to consider so content creation can work effectively for your brand.

Know your audience

The first thing you need to know when starting to create content for your brand is who your audience is. You need to be able to create content that is relevant to the right kind of people, so think about what kind of person will be buying your products – are they older or younger? What kind of job could they have?

Take all the information available to you and develop in-depth personas about who they could be: starting to ask more specific questions like ‘What car could they drive?’, ‘What kind of shoes do they wear?’, ‘Do they play a musical instrument?’ or ‘What do they do on weekends?’

Even if it is completely unrelated to your brand or products, this information can really help to establish a clear idea of who is going to relate to your content and be able to get value from it.

Put yourself out there

Next, you have to decide what channels you will use to put your content out into the world. Your channels need to reflect what your target audience is going to be in tune with.

For example, if your audience is predominantly young teens, they are going to be in tune with social media platforms like WeChat. A professional audience might be more in tune with email and blogs.

It is also good to understand what kind of content works on different platforms, for example, if utilising WeChat content creation, it’s important to know that different social media platforms have different dimensions for images or word limits.

Your content can be photography based, video, written – anything that you think conveys the right information. And while having an integrated content strategy that runs across multiple platforms can be incredibly effective, you are going to need to know how to alter and adjust the content so that it fits each platform individually. It is also important to consider that a straight translation from English marketing content may not always comminciate well with a Chinese audience.

Develop a clear strategy

Based on the information you’ve gathered about your potential audience, your next step here is to develop a strategy that your content creators will be able to follow, and that your audience will be able to engage with. Ask yourself ‘What do I want to be known for?’ and ‘What challenges do my customers face?’ The meshing of the two answers to these questions can result in the perfect content strategy.

Don’t forget to make sure your content is consistent, interesting and relevant. A timeline outlining what you are going to post and when can be incredibly helpful here. It can be good to have long term goals in your strategy such as generating sales, but don’t let them distract you from creating interesting content.

Chinese Content Creation with Star China

To talk to a specialist about how a content creation strategy and WeChat advertising can benefit your business, get in touch with us today.

The author: StarChina
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